Marijuana is called many different names: Ganja, Ishence, Sleng teng, Collie, Chronic, Blunt, Sensei, Green, Weed, Cannabis, leaf, Reefer, Grass, Spliff, THC, Bud, Pot, Ganja, Herb, Wisdom Weed, Smoke, Hash, stash, Bush, Mary Jane and Lambs bread. In spite of its many titles, for most Rastafarians it serves one purpose, it is a source of unification by which all may join in perfect fellowship together with each other and with Jah (God) to reason with the Most High. Some Rastafarians believe that Marijuana is one of the pillars of the Rastafarian faith they believe that Marijuana can help people gain some insights and help show different perspective on things. The belief of Rastafarians vary from place to place and from person to person.
How ever others challenge the Rastafarians faith and their use of marijuana, because they see this as a recuational drug. Like some other recuational drug marijuana is a so called psychoactive drug which is a chemical substance that alters brain function. The Marijuana that is available today is much stronger than the marijuana that was available in the 60’s, Sometimes it is also laced with other, more potent drugs. People who smoke marijuana just smoke to get a high, and the addition of other drugs just accumulate the high, compared to the faith of the Rastafarian the use of marijuana isn’t the same. The use of marijuana relly depends on the person and what their trying to accomplish by their use. I don’t feel that Marijuana causes any danger in its raw form . Scientist feel that marijuana have can treat glaucoma, cancer, multiple sclerosis. How ever people feel that approving this drug will give young people the wrong impression.
How ever others challenge the Rastafarians faith and their use of marijuana, because they see this as a recuational drug. Like some other recuational drug marijuana is a so called psychoactive drug which is a chemical substance that alters brain function. The Marijuana that is available today is much stronger than the marijuana that was available in the 60’s, Sometimes it is also laced with other, more potent drugs. People who smoke marijuana just smoke to get a high, and the addition of other drugs just accumulate the high, compared to the faith of the Rastafarian the use of marijuana isn’t the same. The use of marijuana relly depends on the person and what their trying to accomplish by their use. I don’t feel that Marijuana causes any danger in its raw form . Scientist feel that marijuana have can treat glaucoma, cancer, multiple sclerosis. How ever people feel that approving this drug will give young people the wrong impression.
so religion,medicine or recreatinonal drug?
I don't think there is anything wrong with the use of mary janes. I personally also believe that ganja should be legal. Not only are the medical benefits potentially great, for many suffering from HIV to other serious conditions, chronic could be just what the doctor ordered. I think there should be legal, and safe cannibis clubs available for those that need some of the good 'ol green!